Prosthetic assessment in cleft lip and palate patients : a case report with oronasal communication

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Prosthetic assessment in cleft lip and palate patients : a case report with oronasal communication

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Sala Martí, Silvia; Merino Tessore, Mª Dolores; Escuin Henar, Tomás
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

The cleft lip and palate patient is mainly characterized by the presence of an oronasal communication, malformation or agenesis of the teeth close to the cleft, and deficient sagittal and transverse growth of the maxilla. These patients require various treatments involving a multidisciplinary team, which may include a maxillofacial surgeon, an orthodontist, a speech therapist, a paediatrician, a general dentist, a prosthodontist, an ENT specialist, a psychologist and all those professionals who can help provide functional, aesthetic and psychological improvement. This report describes a case of prosthetic rehabilitation in a patient with cleft lip and palate and an oronasal fistula (communication) following surgery. Different prosthetic treatments are described, with emphasis being placed on the approach chosen after to discuss the various limitations which arose.
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