Computed tomography of the TMJ in diagnosis of ankylosis : two case reports

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Computed tomography of the TMJ in diagnosis of ankylosis : two case reports

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Casanova, Marcia Spinelli; Tuji, Fabrício Mesquita; Ortega, Ana Isabel; Yoo, Hea Jung; Haiter Neto, Francisco
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint is characterized by restriction or limitation of mandibular movement. It presents as a classic symptom a limited range of motion on opening. Radiographically, ankylosis presents features that facilitate the diagnosis. However, its visualization is not clear in most of the cases involving conventional radiographic techniques. With the evolution of radiographic techniques, computed tomography (CT) became an important examination in the diagnosis of the ankylosis of temporomandibular joint. Due to the increasing use of the CT and its importance in the diagnosis of this disease, the aim of this paper is to present and describe tomographic images of ankylosis of this joint by presenting two clinical cases, using several slices as axial, coronal, and three-dimensional reformatted images.
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