Telescopic crowns in adult case with lip and palate cleft : update on the etiology and management

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Telescopic crowns in adult case with lip and palate cleft : update on the etiology and management

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Mañes Ferrer, José Félix; Martínez González, Amparo; Oteiza Galdón, Begoña; Bouazza Juanes, Kheira; Benet Iranzo, Francisco; Candel Tomás, Ana
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

Lip and palatal clefts are among the most important congenital craniofacial malformations to be taken into account in general dental practice, due to their high incidence and important repercussions upon the oral cavity. The underlying causes are genetic and fundamentally environmental, and the disorders manifest as early as in the embryonic period. Males are predominantly affected, with a 7:3 ratio versus females. Our patient, a 20-year-old male, presented the most common association, i.e., total unilateral hare lip with palatal cleft. A description is provided of the treatment for his dental problem, together with an update on the etiology and management of adults with malformations of this kind.
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