Assessing weather risk in sun and sand destinations

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Assessing weather risk in sun and sand destinations

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Canales Ronda, Pedro; Pardo Tornero, Ángel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

This paper studies the impact of climate change on the tourism demand in the Costa de Valencia (Spain) destination. This is a Mediterranean sun and sand destination whose main attraction is the climate. Weather data from 1937-2009 indicate a slow but steady increase in temperatures and a higher frequency of extreme weather events. The study of the effects of temperature on tourism shows that the number of both resident and non-resident tourists is positively related with the temperature. Furthermore, the number of stays of residents does not change in cold months but it increases in hot months, and the number of stays of non-residents decreases in cold months but it does not change in hot months. Finally, based on the results obtained, we propose some alternatives that allow sun and sand destinations to manage their weather-related risk exposure.
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