Periapical surgery of maxillary posterior teeth : A review of the literature

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Periapical surgery of maxillary posterior teeth : A review of the literature

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García Mira, Berta; Martorell Calatayud, Luis; Martí Bowen, Eva; Peñarrocha Diago, Miguel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

In recent years, periapical surgery has evolved thanks to new diagnostic and technical advances. A review is made of the literature on periapical surgery of the antral teeth, based on a Medline search and on the revision of Spanish dental journals in the period between 1974 and 2003. The anatomy of the maxillary sinus is discussed, along with the diagnosis of periapical lesions and the relation of the maxillary sinus to the antral teeth. The surgical technique, special considerations and prognosis of periapical surgery in these teeth are also addressed. Recent studies postulate that the proximity of the antral teeth to the maxillary sinus should not be viewed as a contraindication to periapical surgery, and recommend such surgery in teeth with chronic periapical disease that are refractory to conventional endodontic management, despite the proximity of the maxillary sinus.
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