Transmigration of impacted lower canine : Case report and review of literature

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Transmigration of impacted lower canine : Case report and review of literature

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Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Flores Ruiz, Rafael; Infante Cossío, Pedro; García Calderón, Manuel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

Retention, that is, a permanent tooth which is unerupted more than a year after the normal age of eruption, is a relatively rare event, except in the case of the third molars and the upper canines. Transmigration is defined as the phenomenon of more than half an unerupted impacted tooth crossing the midline. We report the clinical case of a twenty-year-old patient presenting transmigration of the lower left canine, with a type 4 transmigration pattern (Mupparapu). Likewise, we carried out a review of the literature of the cases that have been published on transmigration, updating the main aspects of this pathology.
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