Interceptive orthodontics : The need for early diagnosis and treatment of posterior crossbites

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Interceptive orthodontics : The need for early diagnosis and treatment of posterior crossbites

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Castañer Peiró, Amparo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

Crossbites are the result of a malocclusion on the transverse plane of the maxilla and are defined as alterations of the correct alignment of the palatal cusps of the upper molars and premolars with the pits of the lower molars and premolars. Transverse alterations are frequently seen in general dental practices and it is necessary to establish a good differential diagnosis in order to adopt the treatment that will achieve the greatest efficiency and the most stable results possible. Skeletal constriction, dentoalveolar constriction and dental constriction must therefore be differentiated, as each requires different treatment with different orthodontic appliances. This article aims to provide a simple guide to the correct diagnosis of transverse anomalies and to choosing the most suitable orthodontic appliance for each case.
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