Relationship between oral Kaposi ?s sarcoma and HAART : Contribution of two case reports

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Relationship between oral Kaposi ?s sarcoma and HAART : Contribution of two case reports

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Campo Trapero, Julián; Romero, Jorge del; Cano Sánchez, Jorge; Rodríguez Martín, Carmen; Martínez González, José María; Bascones Martínez, Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

Two HIV infected patients not receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment (HAART) presented with epidemic Kaposi?s sarcoma of the oral cavity. One patient initially refused HAART, but when the lesion became large enough to be noticeable he agreed to HAART associated with excision of the intraoral lesion by CO2 laser. The other patient developed KS and progressed to AIDS at two years after ceasing HAART due to adverse effects; he was referred to hospital for renewed administration of HAART. In both cases, the lesions observed in the oral cavity were the first clinical manifestation of AIDS. These reports underline the close relationship between the use of HAART and the control of KS lesions, highlighting the important role of the dentist in the identification and early diagnosis of these oral lesions.
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