Una revisión de la censura en la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil (LIJ) traducida del inglés en España desde la etapa franquista a la actualidad
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Martínez Mateo, Roberto
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015
This paper reviews the evolution of censorship?s measures and outcomes exerted over Children and Juvenile Literature (CJL) translated from English from the outset of Spanish dictatorship, during the post-war and in present times. The scant literary value usually assigned to this literature aimed at children turns it into a more vulnerable target to the fluctuations in opinion of the rulers. Besides, translated children literature is an under-researched area in Spanish literature. The contrastive analysis of some translations proposals made at different times serves to exemplify the most outstanding milestones which censorship evolution has undergone from Franco?s regime up to date. Keywords: Censorship; Children and Juvenile Literature (CJL); translation; dictatorship. |
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