En terreno vedado : género, traducción y censura. El caso de Brokeback Mountain

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En terreno vedado : género, traducción y censura. El caso de Brokeback Mountain

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Gómez Castro, Cristina; Pérez L. de Heredia, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

When translating, not only linguistic difference should be taken into consideration, but also and in particular, the cultural and ideological one. Our article sets out to analyze the implications of the translation into Spanish of the short story Brokeback Mountain (Proulx, 1997) and also of the inter-semiotic rewriting which turned it into the film with the same name (Lee, 2005). In order to do that, it will focus on the manipulation and transference of gender stereotypes. Ideological, censoring and cultural issues will be at stake in a case study that is specially interesting in that it allows us to revisit the translating activity as one in which no naive visions of mere transference have a say anymore. Keywords: gender; stereotypes; ideology; censorship.
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