La identidad censurada : representación y manipulación de la homosexualidad en la obra Té y simpatía

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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La identidad censurada : representación y manipulación de la homosexualidad en la obra Té y simpatía

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Martínez Pleguezuelos, Antonio J.; González-Iglesias González, J. David
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

This article analyzes the consequences of the acts of censorship on the representation of homosexual identity. To do so, we carry out an English- Spanish contrastive study of the American play Tea and Sympathy (1953), by Robert Anderson, and its cinema adaptation in 1956. We will start from the concept of ?censorship? which Butler presents to examine the sexually connoted lexical selection that has been chosen for both languages, together with the omissions, the semantic and syntactic structures and even the plot alterations applied by censors in order to assess the representation of reality and the asymmetries that are created in the process of translation according to the heterocentric symbolic systems that prevailed at the historical context. Keywords: censorship; identity; homosexuality; Tea and Sympathy.
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