Derecho, soberanía y Pluralismo constitucional en el contexto de la globalización. Un análisis de sus tensiones y complejidades | Law, Sovereignty and Legal Pluralism in The Context of Globalization. An Analysis of its Tensions and Complexities

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Derecho, soberanía y Pluralismo constitucional en el contexto de la globalización. Un análisis de sus tensiones y complejidades | Law, Sovereignty and Legal Pluralism in The Context of Globalization. An Analysis of its Tensions and Complexities

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Martínez de Bringas, Asier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

In this paper we will proceed with an analysis of trends in the globalization of law as a result of the transformations in the ways of understanding the meaning and nature of sovereignty, emphasizing the paradoxical dimension has the right in the EU in tension with the constitutional right of states. The legal relationships have become much more complex as a result of the inevitable emergence pluralism in the way of understanding the law. It is what we call as Constitutional Pluralism, which in its own ways of production, distribution and application operates as a network, making it more complex and interdisciplinary the interpretation of any legal practice. Some of the changes and transformations that occur as a result of this new paradigm of Legal Pluralism will be some of the scope of this writing.
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