Negar la política, negar sus sujetos y derechos (Las políticas migratorias y de asilo como emblemas de la necropolitica) | Deny the Politics, their Subjects and Rights (Migration and Asylum Policies as Emblems of Necropolitics)

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Negar la política, negar sus sujetos y derechos (Las políticas migratorias y de asilo como emblemas de la necropolitica) | Deny the Politics, their Subjects and Rights (Migration and Asylum Policies as Emblems of Necropolitics)

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Lucas Martín, Francisco Javier de
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

European immigration and refuge policies have been criticized by those who see them as emblems of a conception that puts in serious risk basic elements of the Rule of Law and even of democracy. The epitome is the emergence of slave markets in Libya (at the gates of the EU), a failed state that, nevertheless, the EU and its Member States are determined to raise to the status of privileged partner of their outsourcing policies. Based on the analysis of Lochak, Agambem and Bauman and the conception of the proposed by the Cameroonian philosopher Mbembé who develops Foucault's thesis about biopolitics, this text will propose some alternatives that are leaded by the requirement of recognition and guarantee of rights of immigrants and refugees.
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