?El jorobado hombrecillo? Distorsiones del cuerpo y del espacio en el universo jurídico kafkiano | ?The Little Hunchback? Distortions of Body and Space in Kafka's Legal Universe

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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?El jorobado hombrecillo? Distorsiones del cuerpo y del espacio en el universo jurídico kafkiano | ?The Little Hunchback? Distortions of Body and Space in Kafka's Legal Universe

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Fersini, Maria Pina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

In Kafka's work there is no figure more frequent than that of a man bent over himself, under the weight of primitive forces, which Benjamin defines the archetype of deformity. Starting from this suggestive Benjamin's image and analyzing the progressive bending of forms that affects not only the protagonists of Kafkaesque fiction but also their environments, this essay wants to offer an aesthetic-juridical reading of The Trial, which proves as the curvilinear geometry that structures the novel conceals a genealogy of modern law distinct from that visible in official legal discourse.
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