Defendiendo la igualdad de la objeción de nivelar a la baja | Defending the Equality from the Levelling Down Objection

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Defendiendo la igualdad de la objeción de nivelar a la baja | Defending the Equality from the Levelling Down Objection

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Ribotta, Silvina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The Levelling Down Objection is one of the main complaints against equality, specially against egalitarianism as a distributive principle. How this objection is responded depends on what version of egalitarianism is assumed, and therefore on which kind of equality is pursued. This article examines the concept of equality and the different egalitarian approaches as well as its main features. Then, the arguments and justifications given by the egalitarian authors to confront the levelling down objections are analyzed. The main goal is to analytically build a stronger more consistent idea of equality.
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