Los poderes probatorios del juez y el modelo de proceso | Evidential Powers of the Judges and the Procedural Models

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Los poderes probatorios del juez y el modelo de proceso | Evidential Powers of the Judges and the Procedural Models

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Ferrer Beltrán, Jordi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The paper analyzes the debate on the convenience of attributing evidential powers to the judge. Ii is argued, on the one hand, that any response for this debate depends necessarily upon 1) the features of two models to be implemented: the model of the judicial process and that of the judge; as well as upon 2) the need to assume the search for truth as the aim in every judicial process. On the other hand, a correct answer to the problem needs a careful analysis of the different -and differently distributed- evidential powers the judge and the parties have.
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