Descentralización de los cuidados en Salud Mental : un espacio de reflexión. / Decentralization of cares in mental health: a space for reflection.

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Descentralización de los cuidados en Salud Mental : un espacio de reflexión. / Decentralization of cares in mental health: a space for reflection.

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Pascual Vera, Belén
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Although of health dimension is mediated by the social context, hegemonic models prioritize the professionalization and individualization of cares, and the role of social environment remains invisible. This paper presents a reflection on the centralization of cares in mental health, starting from the dichotomy between professionalized and informal cares. Some reflections on how mental health care could be decentralized were also consider. Revaluating the role of the social environment, and generate tools of collective management of health-disease are suggested. Keywords: cares, mental health, mutual support, caregiver, critical review.
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