Comer nada o la defensa del vacío / To eat nothing or the defense of emptiness

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Comer nada o la defensa del vacío / To eat nothing or the defense of emptiness

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Durá Celma, Rosa
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This article highlights the approach that Lacanian psychoanalysis adopts towards anorexia. From a clinical and theoretical perspective, it summarily describes the consideration of that symptom, distinguishing its manifestation in the different clinical structures. The article show that anorexia is closely related to desire and, therefore, to the demand of the Other and castration. Likewise, the article reflects on the agent role of the social Other in the emergence of anorexia, as it pushes the subjects to an immediate satisfaction with objects of consumption. Keywords: anorexia, lacanian psychoanalysis, capitalist discourse, plus object of enjoyment.
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