Error de cálculo. Vida y enfermedad en la literatura latinoamericana / Miscalculation. Life and illness in Latin American literature

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Error de cálculo. Vida y enfermedad en la literatura latinoamericana / Miscalculation. Life and illness in Latin American literature

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Sánchez Idiart, Cecilia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Through the interrogation of illness and knowledges about life, the novels A céu aberto (1996) by João Gilberto Noll, Impuesto a la carne (2010) by Diamela Eltit and Fruta podrida (2007) by Lina Meruane explore the transformations undergone by former disciplinary institutions under the conditions of a new apparatus of power which aspires to manage the population as human capital. Against any imperative of efficiency, these novels find in illness the potential of invention of languages and modes of common life that exceed the calculations of the state and the market. Keywords: Biopolitics, illness, affect, the common, contemporary Latin American literature.
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