Enfermedad y monstruosidad en Sangre en el ojo de Lina Meruane / Disease and monstrosity in Sangre en el ojo [Seeing Red] by Lina Meruane

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Enfermedad y monstruosidad en Sangre en el ojo de Lina Meruane / Disease and monstrosity in Sangre en el ojo [Seeing Red] by Lina Meruane

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Mancilla Troncoso, Juan Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The relationship between individual and disease is examined in Lina Meruane?s novel Sangre en el ojo [Seeing Red]. Notions of monstrosity proposed by Foucault and Negri are used to approach the protagonist?s disease as an event which causes crisis in the paradigm of order, thus subverting social regulatory systems. The pathological process is approached as an element breaching and displaying the sinister aspect of ?reality?. Keywords: Disease, monstrosity, animality, the sinister, abjection.
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