Lingüística de corpus y fraseología contrastiva (alemán-español) : Las combinaciones usuales de estructura [PREP + S]. El caso de entre lágrimas y unter Tränen

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Lingüística de corpus y fraseología contrastiva (alemán-español) : Las combinaciones usuales de estructura [PREP + S]. El caso de entre lágrimas y unter Tränen

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Mansilla Pérez, Ana
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The present article analyses the external and internal fixation of the binomial pattern [entre + NN] with zero article in Spanish and its equivalents in German. In particular, the article focuses on the expressions entre lágrimas/unter Tränen. The data have been extracted from the DeReKo corpus (Das Deutsche Referenzkorpus) and from the Sketch Engine corpora deTenTen 13 and eseuTenTen11. First, the article will present the objectives of the research project of which this study forms part. Then, I will address some applications of corpus linguistics in the field of phraseology. Finally, similarities and differences between the expressions investigated will be analysed based on the evidence obtained from the corpora.
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