The Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Iesv (1640). Devotion, Politics and the Emblem.

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The Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Iesv (1640). Devotion, Politics and the Emblem.

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Campa, Pedro F. es 2018-02-05T10:58:49Z 2018-02-05T10:58:49Z 2017 es
dc.identifier.citation Campa, Pedro F.. The Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Iesv (1640). Devotion, Politics and the Emblem.. En: Imago: revista de emblemática y cultura visual, 9 2017: 55-71 es
dc.description.abstract The Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Iesv (1640) is, perhaps, the most beautiful book of emblems published by the Jesuits in the seventeenth century. The book is a festive commemoration offered by the priests and students of the Flemish-Belgian Province in celebration of the centenary of the founding of the Society of Jesus. The work includes 127 full-page emblems distributed throughout a total of 956 folio-sized pages that narrate and illustrate in emblematic fashion the foundation, development, vicisstitudes and achievements of the Socirty in its evangelical and pedagogical mission. From the moment of its publication, the Imago was the object of attacks by Huguenauts and Jansenists who criticized its haughtiness, grandiloquent language and the hyperbolic comparisons of the narration. Hidden behind this criticism were the reasons for the Jansenist offensive against the book. Probabilism, the supposed frivolous attitude towards confession and the frequency of communion, advocated by the Jesuits, was the object of a pair of insulting treatises directed against the Imago by the famous Jansenists Antoine Arnauld and Issac Louis le Maître de Sacy. The critics of the Imago maliciously ignored that the book's grandiloquent style, appropriate to a jubilation celebration, conforms to the language of classical rhetoric, thus perpetuating the propagandistic image of the book. KEYWORDS: Imago Primi Saeculi; Society of Jesus; Flanders; Flemish-Belgian Province. es
dc.title The Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Iesv (1640). Devotion, Politics and the Emblem. es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::HISTORIA es
dc.identifier.doi 10.7203/imago.9.10830 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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