The Emblematic Exemplum in Agustín Moreto y Cabaña and Other Golden Age Playwrights

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The Emblematic Exemplum in Agustín Moreto y Cabaña and Other Golden Age Playwrights

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Cull, John T.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Taking as a point of departure Juan de Horozco's definition: «las emblemas se pueden hazer con figuras solas, como es más ordinario o con figuras y letras que siruan de mote, y esto es, porque la emblema quanto más guardare las propiedades de la empresa tanto será mejor según yo entiendo y juzgara qualquiera» (f. 64v), this study analyzes the presence and function of dramatic emblems in the plays of Agustín Moreto y Cabaña and other Spanish Golden Age Dramatists. It postulates that the poetic images, derived in many instances from emblem books, function as exempla in order to comment on the dramatic situation. The dramatic emblems are divided into two main groups: «marked emblems and «unmarked emblems». KEYWORDS: Agustín de Moreto; argumentum emblematicum; dramatic emblems; exempla.
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