Salvador e Olinda nos emblemas urbanos do Thesaurus Philo-Politicus de Daniel Meisner e Eberhard Kieser

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Salvador e Olinda nos emblemas urbanos do Thesaurus Philo-Politicus de Daniel Meisner e Eberhard Kieser

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Amaral Jr., Rubem
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This article examines the emblems dedicated to Salvador (Bahia) and Olinda (Pernambuco) by Daniel Meisner and Eberhard Kieser in their singular book of urban emblems Thesaurus Philo-Politicus. Das ist: Politisches Schatzkästlein, first published in Frankfort on the Main between 1623 and 1631. Those Brazilian cities, together with Cuzco in Peru, were the only ones in America among the 830 plates included in the work. I describe the respective inserted emblematic picturae, with transcriptions and translations of the German and Latin inscriptiones, subscriptiones and explicit, and I attempt to interpret them and identify the sources of the views. KEYWORDS: Daniel Meisner; Eberhard Kieser; Urban Emblems; Thesaurus Philo-Politicus; Politisches Schatzkästlein; Salvador; Olinda.
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