La fotografía móvil y la experiencia voyeur como marco de referencia para la representación artística del cuerpo humano

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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La fotografía móvil y la experiencia voyeur como marco de referencia para la representación artística del cuerpo humano

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Visualització       (911.7Kb)

Palazón Campillo, María Encarnación
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Starting from a previous line of research, this analytical and speculative article deals with the relations between the photography made with the mobile cameras and the photographic treatment of the body. This relationship is established from the recognition of visual pleasure in the photographic activity, and more specifically through voyeurism and the broader phenomenon of body fragmentation as a feature of the current visual culture. This analysis and the speculation reflect the uses, limitations and possibilities that mobile cameras open in social, cultural, and artistic terms. 
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