La moda y sus formas : nueva propuesta didáctica en la EASD de València

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La moda y sus formas : nueva propuesta didáctica en la EASD de València

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Torralba Collados, Nieves; Martínez Escutia, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The didactic proposal described in this article comes from the change in the Fashion Design Studies curriculum, which introduced a new methodology, more specifically for the Basic Design course. The change is the result of ISEACV?s investigation into Contemporary Fashion. Models and Context. Following this line of research, ?Las formas de la moda? involved a process of experimentation that led to a theoretical-practical corpus of work within the Fashion Design course given at EASD València. In developing the methodology, with a strong interdisciplinary character underpinned on the aforementioned theoretical guidelines, the exhibition Las formas de la moda / The Forms of Fashion added heightened visibility, by bringing together the proposals created by the students taking the Basic Design course. 
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