Aprendizaje lingüístico e inclusión social : combinación del enfoque comunicativo y el enfoque por tareas.

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Aprendizaje lingüístico e inclusión social : combinación del enfoque comunicativo y el enfoque por tareas.

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Talens Company, Borja es 2018-02-15T10:58:44Z 2018-02-15T10:58:44Z 2017 es
dc.identifier.citation Talens Company, Borja. Aprendizaje lingüístico e inclusión social : combinación del enfoque comunicativo y el enfoque por tareas.. En: Foro de profesores de E/LE, 13 2017: 17- es
dc.description.abstract The present proposal of practical experience aims to share the good results achieved in a course of Spanish as a foreign language for immigrants carried out in ?L?Espai d?Inclusió i Formació Casc Antic? (Eicascantic) in which the communicative approach and the task-based approach were combined in order to fulfil objectives of improving the linguistic level of students and promoting their social inclusion in their new context. To this end, the sociolinguistic material of level A2 of the MCERL "Conociendo" was created and applied in an intensive course of 54 hours duration, carrying out, afterwards, an analysis of the results obtained. All this was done with the main objective of the organization in mind: to promote the social inclusion of young people and adults of different origins through training and participation initiatives that facilitate the exercise of active and responsible citizenship, coexistence and social cohesion.Keywords: L2 learning, immigration, social inclusion, communicative approach, task-based approach, communicative practices. es
dc.title Aprendizaje lingüístico e inclusión social : combinación del enfoque comunicativo y el enfoque por tareas. es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::PEDAGOGÍA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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