El español hablado en Valencia. Interferencia lingüística y enseñanza de la lengua

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El español hablado en Valencia. Interferencia lingüística y enseñanza de la lengua

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Giménez Folqués, David; Roselló Verdeguer, Jorge
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

All languages show variation both from a geographical and a social point of view, and its learning is always produced through one of its geographical varieties. There are areas where the Spanish language coexist with other languages, and this gives it a series of special features which the teachers of Spanish as a foreign language must know and explain to his/her students. In this paper, we analyze some linguistic interferences which are produced between Spanish and Valencian ?a variety of Catalan which is spoken in Valencia? and, finally, we propose some teaching activities to be used in ELE classes. Key words: variation, dialect, linguistic interference, teaching.
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