Recursos mediáticos en la práctica educativa de E/LE en la Universidad de Relaciones Internacionales de Moscú (MGIMO)

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Recursos mediáticos en la práctica educativa de E/LE en la Universidad de Relaciones Internacionales de Moscú (MGIMO)

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Yakovleva, Victoria; Vereshchinskaya, Yulia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This work is dedicated to share our educative practice experience in the use of media resources in the SFL. We analyze the efficiency of types of audiovisual materials in their didactic and pedagogical implications in the general course A1-A2, B1-B2 as well as in the course of Spanish For Specific Purposes (B2-C1). We expose the methodology of application of such instruments at the MGIMO University as one of the best methods to transmit the language in the real context with exploring of its linguistic and extra linguistic peculiarities. Key words: mediatext, audiovisual resources, mass media, Spanish For Specific Purposes, listening skills. 
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