Fabrication of long period fiber gratings of subnanometric bandwidth

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Fabrication of long period fiber gratings of subnanometric bandwidth

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Poveda-Wong, L. Cruz Muñoz, José Luis Delgado-Pinar, Martina Roselló-Mechó, Xavier Díez Cremades, Antonio Andrés, Miguel V. 2018-02-19T08:58:21Z 2018-02-19T08:58:21Z 2017 es_ES
dc.identifier.citation L. Poveda-Wong, J.L. Cruz, M. Delgado-Pinar, X. Roselló-Mechó, A. Díez and M.V. Andrés, "Fabrication of long period fiber gratings of subnanometric bandwidth", Optics Letters, Vol. 42, pp. 1265-1268, 2017 es_ES
dc.description.abstract This paper reports on the fabrication of long period fiber gratings having subnanometric bandwidth in the 1500 nm spectral region. Large gratings have been photo-inscribed in a high NA fiber, the grating pitch and the order of the HE cladding mode are optimized to produce gratings with a large number of periods and preventing the coupling to TE, TM or EH modes. Resonances with a FWHM of 0.83 nm and 0.68 nm have been achieved for gratings 15 and 20 cm long respectively, the free spectral range between transmission notches is 125 nm. The polarization effects and the sensitivity of the gratings to temperature and to strain variations are presented as well. © 2015 Optical Society of America es_ES
dc.description.abstract This paper reports on the fabrication of long period fiber gratings having subnanometric bandwidth in the 1500 nm spectral region. Large gratings have been photo-inscribed in a high NA fiber, the grating pitch and the order of the HE cladding mode are optimized to produce gratings with a large number of periods and preventing the coupling to TE, TM or EH modes. Resonances with a FWHM of 0.83 nm and 0.68 nm have been achieved for gratings 15 and 20 cm long respectively, the free spectral range between transmission notches is 125 nm. The polarization effects and the sensitivity of the gratings to temperature and to strain variations are presented as well. © 2015 Optical Society of America en_US
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.subject Fiber optics es_ES
dc.subject Fiber Bragg gratings es_ES
dc.subject Fiber optics sensors es_ES
dc.subject Fourier optics and signal processing es_ES
dc.subject Multiplexing es_ES
dc.title Fabrication of long period fiber gratings of subnanometric bandwidth es_ES
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::FÍSICA::Óptica ::Fibras ópticas es_ES
dc.identifier.doi 10.1364/OL.42.001265 es_ES

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