A genetic algorithm to calibrate dynamical systems : Confidence intervals for parameters and residuals

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A genetic algorithm to calibrate dynamical systems : Confidence intervals for parameters and residuals

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Caselles Moncho, Antonio; Micó i Ruiz, Joan Carles; Amigó Borrás, Salvador
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

This paper presents a genetic algorithm to calibrate dynamical systems that is able to calculate confidence intervals for the parameters of the system. As an application case is used to calibrate the system that reproduces the dynamical response of the General Factor of Personality (GFP) to a given stimulus, particularly to a stimulant drug dose. The model is called in Literature as the response model and includes an integro-differential equation. The presented application case is a single case ABC experimental design where the stimulus is methylphenidate.
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