Vertical Root Fracture initiation in curved roots after root canal preparation : a dentinal micro-crack analysis with LED transillumination

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Vertical Root Fracture initiation in curved roots after root canal preparation : a dentinal micro-crack analysis with LED transillumination

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Miguéns Vila, Ramón es Martín Biedma, Benjamín es Varela Patiño, María Purificación es Ruíz Piñón, Manuel es Castelo, Pablo es 2018-02-28T11:31:41Z 2018-02-28T11:31:41Z 2017 es
dc.identifier.citation Miguéns Vila, Ramón ; Martín Biedma, Benjamín ; Varela Patiño, María Purificación ; Ruíz Piñón, Manuel ; Castelo, Pablo. Vertical Root Fracture initiation in curved roots after root canal preparation : a dentinal micro-crack analysis with LED transillumination. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 9 10 2017: 1218-1223 es
dc.description.abstract Background: One of the causative factors of root defects is the increased friction produced by rotary instrumentation. A high canal curvature may increase stress, making the tooth more susceptible to dentinal cracks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate dentinal micro-crack formation with the ProTaper NEXT and ProTaper Universal systems using LED transillumination, and to analyze the micro-crack generated at the point of maximum canal curvature. Material and Methods: 60 human mandibular premolars with curvatures between 30?49° and radii between 2?4 mm were used. The root canals were instrumented using the Protaper Universal® and Protaper NEXT® systems, with the aid of the Proglider® system. The obtained samples were sectioned transversely before subsequent analysis with LED transillumination at 2 mm and 8 mm from the apex and at the point of maximum canal curvature. Defects were scored: 0 for no defects; and 1 for micro-cracks. Results: Root defects were not observed in the control group. The ProTaper NEXT system caused fewer defects (16.7%) than the ProTaper Universal system (40%) ( P <0.05). The ProTaper Universal system caused significantly more micro-cracks at the point of maximum canal curvature than the ProTaper NEXT system ( P <0.05). Conclusions: Rotary instrumentation systems often generate root defects, but the ProTaper NEXT system generated fewer dentinal defects than the ProTaper Universal system. A higher prevalence of defects was found at the point of maximum curvature in the ProTaper Universal group. es
dc.title Vertical Root Fracture initiation in curved roots after root canal preparation : a dentinal micro-crack analysis with LED transillumination es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.54227 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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