Vamos a cambiar el mundo

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Vamos a cambiar el mundo

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Cortijo Delgado, María Isabel; Montero García, Marina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

This activity serves to develop the grammatical subject ?going to + infinitive? by the backdrop of elections. Taking advantages to the context of elections, we considered how we could teach our electoral system. However, to prevent the politics tarnish our class, we decided to divide students into groups and develop proposals that will be possible or impossible to change the world. After exposing the ?promises? of each ?political party?, the students voted with their ?Spanish DNI? and the winning group gives a rally. The activity proved to be much more complete and enriching that could be expected from an ordinary exercise. Our aim is to share this experience which enables to work on the grammar as well as on the functional, lexical and cultural contents.
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