De cargar algo a cargarse a alguien: verbos y expresiones que se prestan a confusión

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De cargar algo a cargarse a alguien: verbos y expresiones que se prestan a confusión

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Gassó, Héctor H.; Romero Zamora, Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Our practical proposal will be focused on situations, with different difficulty levels, in which the vocabulary to use is very similar formally, but very different regarding its meaning. There is a wide variety: hesitation (absence / presence / change) in the use of prepositions, derivations or reflexivity, among others. We will begin with the oposition of only two words, indicating their phonic proximity and graphic similarity, and at the same time their great semantic distance. With the second activity we will extend the examples of words and expressions with these features, stressing the oposition «formal proximity ? semantic distance». With the third and last activity we will increase the number of analised examples and we will review the subject. The four abilities will be worked equally.
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