¡Menudas Vacaciones! Una propuesta didáctica para el aprendizaje de la reclamación formal en E/LE

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¡Menudas Vacaciones! Una propuesta didáctica para el aprendizaje de la reclamación formal en E/LE

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Bolinches López, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

This teaching unit is originated after observing different textbooks and after studying linguistic terms, such us, tasks, communicative use of language and ICT. What we have designed contributes to the communicative use of language in a real context, which is also close to our students? real life. Horrendous holidays are the perfect framework that allows us to get our aim: learning how to write a claim. We have prepared some activities which refer to the chronological order of facts that happen when going on holidays. At the same time, these activities give our students different communicative tools that allow them to use the language in a communicative way in the proposed context. All of them are connected by a wiki, a digital tool that makes possible the learning of a claim in a funny, motivated and, especially, collaborative way.
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