Deja volar tu imaginación: recursos para fomentar la escritura creativa en clase de E/LE

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Deja volar tu imaginación: recursos para fomentar la escritura creativa en clase de E/LE

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Cortijo Delgado, María Isabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

Writing is one of the production skills that students should acquire in their course of foreing language learning process. It is important to be competent in the comunicative sphere. This proposal consists of sharing some creative strategies in order to work writing in class with proverbs and a «city in the blackboard» that will be created by the students. Thus, we try to connect the resources that the creative writing affords us with the development of specific contents of foreing language syllabus. Because of its versatility, these activities are easily adaptable to every level and content, and the timing will depend on the context which the teacher uses them in.
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