Todas las forma de la extranjeridad en Flores de otro mundo, de Icíar Bollaín (1999): un ejemplo de la utilización del cine en la enseñanza de cultura española a estudiantes extranjeros

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Todas las forma de la extranjeridad en Flores de otro mundo, de Icíar Bollaín (1999): un ejemplo de la utilización del cine en la enseñanza de cultura española a estudiantes extranjeros

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Peris Llorca, Jesús
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

The film Flores de otro mundo (Bollain Pérez-Mínguez, 1999) is not only an excellent film, but presents several possibilities for its use in teaching foreign students. It is structured around three themes that have in common the theme of foreignness. The women who came to the town of Santa Eulalia attracted by the party for singles are foreigners according to diverse criteria: imaginary, cultural and legal. They are all women who came to a town mostly inhabitated by men. Some of them, moreover, are in fact Latin American immigrants in old Castilla. All of them are, in one sense or another urban or urbanized people arriving to rural Spain. These three lines of meaning -the gender issue, the rural crisis and immigration- allow to present to the student an extensive problem, with many implications.
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