¿Y eso cómo se come? La interculturalidad y las comidas familiares

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¿Y eso cómo se come? La interculturalidad y las comidas familiares

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Adame Gómez, Francisco; Jareño ALbert, Desiré
This document is a artículoDate2015

Family meals are common to many cultures but unique in each one of them. Each one is regulated by not explicit rules that every diner, sharing the same culture, known. However, when someone from a different culture joins the meal, misunderstandings and cultural clashes may happen, as a result of ignorance of these rules. Working multiculturalism in the E/LE classroom can easily solve these uncomfortable situations. The activity we propose starts from a reflection on the own culture to compare it with the target culture, followed by a fun simulation in which our students will have to put themselves in a spanish native?s shoes. The activity has a duration of 120 minutes and is designed for levels B1 or B2, but is easily adaptable to any other level. Keywords: culture, lowercase «c» culture, interculturality, family meal, customs
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