Actividades colaborativas con herramientas TIC

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Actividades colaborativas con herramientas TIC

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Chatzi, Polina; Molina Muñoz, Pedro Jesús
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

This paper focuses on various activities in SFL classes at the University of Cyprus (A1, A2 and B1 levels) and the Secondary School of Cyprus (A1/A2 levels). These activities tend to promote collaborative learning and research. The activities are designed to be done easily, not consuming too much time in the classroom and comfortably carried out by the teacher. At the same time, they promote research and selection of information in the L2 itself and autonomous work, with the intention of building collective learning and knowledge. The different skills will be worked on collaboratively with tools like: Lino, Padlet, Woices, Prezi, Wikis, VoiceThread, or Glogster. In different ways: inside and outside the classroom, in group, individually... but always pursuing the achievement of collective goals. Key words: Collaborative learning, ICT, applications, input, output, intake.
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