Jugando se entiende la gente. Una propuesta didáctica para la inclusión de las unidades fraseológicas en el aula de E/LE

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Jugando se entiende la gente. Una propuesta didáctica para la inclusión de las unidades fraseológicas en el aula de E/LE

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Merino González, Alicia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

The teaching of phraseological units in the classroom of S/FL is controversial, therefore, this article presents an activity that allows students to participate in learning these units. It wants to introduce and reinforce phraseologism through an adapted game called TriviELE. There are four categories in which the students have to make associations and have to stage dialogues where the phraseologism or its paraphrase appears. Specifically, there are locutions with somatism or with animal?s names included in an activity that is aimed at B2, with the goal that the students practise in classroom the colloquial conversation and the use of the phraseological units in this. In this way, by the acquisition of this units the students archieve fluency and clearly in their communication. Key words: Spanish forain language, phraseology, phraseological unit, game, Trivial
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