The Spanish Banks in face of the Corporate Social Responsibility Standards : previous analysis of the financial crisis

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The Spanish Banks in face of the Corporate Social Responsibility Standards : previous analysis of the financial crisis

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Seguí Alcaraz, Antoni Palomero Rodenas, Sergio 2018-04-14T09:13:51Z 2018-04-14T09:13:51Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation Seguí Alcaraz, Antoni Palomero Rodenas, Sergio 2013 The Spanish Banks in face of the Corporate Social Responsibility Standards : previous analysis of the financial crisis Rbgn-Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios 15 49 562 581
dc.description.abstract Transparency of information in the field of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is common to various standards. In recent years there has been a proliferation of standards and models for the formalization of CSR strategies. The objective is to assess the degree of implementation of standards of normalization. The analysis was conducted with data from the year 2008, coinciding with the first signs of the financial crisis, serving as a reference point to analyze the effect of the crisis. The field work was conducted using a survey answered by 57 Spanish credit institutions. We found a low degree of implementation of standards. The GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and the ISO 14001 stood out. In view of the orientation of credit institutions towards the market, Banks have incorporated much more elaborated and comprehensive quality standards than other credit institutions, such as the implementation of the standard AS 1000 that is equivalent to the joint implementation of the ISO 14000 and 9000.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Rbgn-Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios, 2013, vol. 15, num. 49, p. 562-581
dc.subject Bancs
dc.subject Empreses Responsabilitat social
dc.title The Spanish Banks in face of the Corporate Social Responsibility Standards : previous analysis of the financial crisis
dc.type journal article es_ES 2018-04-14T09:13:51Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.7819/rbgn.v15i49.1386
dc.identifier.idgrec 124738
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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