Nuestra Experiencia en el Tratamiento Funcional de las Fracturas de Tibia
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Hidalgo Ovejero, Angel Manuel; Garcia Mata, S.; Antuñano Zarraga, P.; Ibarra Zulategui, P.; Martínez Grande, M.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1989
Among 57 tibia! shaft fractures treated with functional method are collected. The authors report their experience with this system. They obtain 72 % of good results (unions), within normal periode of time. The angulation was smaller than 10º in 58% of cases, and never the shortening was bigger than 1' 5 cm. The subjetive results ha ve been satisfactory in the 78'9 % of patients, and 21'1 % ofthem had some disability. As complications, one patienthad Sudeck's Syndromc, and 2 patients with thrombophlebitis. |
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