Tratamiento Quirúrgico de la Hernia Discal Lumbar : estudio comparativo entre las técnicas convencional y microquirúrgica

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Tratamiento Quirúrgico de la Hernia Discal Lumbar : estudio comparativo entre las técnicas convencional y microquirúrgica

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Herrero Mateo, L. M.; Viciana Ortíz de Galisteo, E.; Ligero Ramos, J.; Quesada Muñoz, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1989

The authors report their own experience of microsurgery for treatment of lumbar disc herniation compared with conventional technique. For that the authors analyze, on a retrospective way, 200 cases distribute in two homogeneous groups. In the results, before an analysis of the epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic dates, the authors shows, through a statistical study, the complications rate, the global results and the mean time until return to work. This time was notably smaller and statistically significant for the patients operated with microsurgical technique.
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