Necrosis idiopática de la cabeza femoral : estudio histopatológico, radiográfico y de fluorescencia

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Necrosis idiopática de la cabeza femoral : estudio histopatológico, radiográfico y de fluorescencia

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Gomar, F.; Gastaldi Orquin, E.; Martín Benlloch, Juan Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1988

A comparative study is made of the histopathology, radiology and fluorescence of tetracyclin uptake in 15 cases of idiopathic necrosis of the femoral head (Ficat and Arlet Degrees III and IV) treated with substitution arthroplasty. Necrosis was seen to be multifocal in 30% of the cases studied. The limits of necrotic bone were poorly defined in ali patients; the most peripheral necrotic area presented occupied osteocytic lacunae, with a significantly increased number of empty osteocytic lacunae within apparently healthy bone. These observations, together with scant histologyc and fluo1escent evidence of reparation activity, point to a metebolic bone disease involving the entire femoral head, with regions of total necrosis. Radiography showed great discrepancies with the macro and microscopical appearance of the necrotic zone.
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