Estabilidad y evolución de las fracturas trocantéreas tratadas con enclavamiento condilocefálico rígido

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Estabilidad y evolución de las fracturas trocantéreas tratadas con enclavamiento condilocefálico rígido

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Albareda, J.; Laclériga Giménez, A.F.; Seral Iñigo, Fernando
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1988

195 patients with trochanteric fractures of femur treated with rigid intramedulary nailing are colected. They have studied the stability of the fractures, have taken as parameters the fracture's stability, femoral angle of inclination after the surgery and consolidation, reduction of the middle cortical of the fracture after surgery, consolidation and migration of the nail. The authors concluded that the technique provide a relative stability, the reduction during the surgery is the factor than determine the fracture's evolution. The best femoral angle of inclination is valgus and diastasis of the middle cortical of the fracture.
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