Tratamiento funcional de las fracturas de tibia mediante enclavado de alineamiento y PTB

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Tratamiento funcional de las fracturas de tibia mediante enclavado de alineamiento y PTB

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Garcia Mata, S.; Hidalgo Ovejero, Angel Manuel; Martínez de Lecea Placer, Francisco; Erroba Larraya, J.; Martínez Grande, M.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1988

The authors present 27 fractures of distal third of tibia treated by Ender and intramedullary, without reaming nailing and PTB, describing the surgical procedure. Clinical results obtained are excellent, as far as pain and mobility are concerned, with a 58'62% of anatomic radiologic axis, finding as the most frequent disturbances the varusm movement and shortening, being all of them minimal. The small rate of complication (6'89%) and sequels are to be taken as the most important results. This pmcedure is quite useful, since its low rate of infection, sudeck, trombosis, muscular atrophy and joint rigidity for the early loading, with a nule rate of pseudoarthrosis due to maximum preserving of the blood supply.
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