Quiste óseo esencial : comparación del tratamiento quirúrgico con la inyección intraquística de corticoides

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Quiste óseo esencial : comparación del tratamiento quirúrgico con la inyección intraquística de corticoides

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Casas Puig, R.; Garcia Lazaro, J.; Curto de la Mano, A.; Parra García, J.I.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1988

The results obtained from the study of seventeen cases of unicameral bone cyst surgically treated are compared with the results in sixteen cases treated with intracyst corticosteroid injection. However, although there is a great proportion of the healed cysts injected, the healing is more secure with surgery. The cyst activity is the most important factor in bad results with surgical treatment, but not in final results obtained in a cyst treated with intracyst corticosteroid injection. It is recommended to control the distribution of the corticosteroid inside the cyst on previous injection of radiographic contrast.
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