Mecanismo de producción de los quistes artrósicos : estudio morfológico sobre 19 cabezas femorales artrósicas

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Mecanismo de producción de los quistes artrósicos : estudio morfológico sobre 19 cabezas femorales artrósicas

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López Alonso, A.; Santos Hernández, R.; Friend Sicilia, H.; Pais Brito, J.L.; Díaz-Flores Feo, Lucio; Alvarez Argüello, H.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1988

19 osteoarthritic femoral heads obtained during total hip replacement procedure were studies. Photography, x-ray with mamograph and optical microscopy were then carried out. The authors analysed osteoarthritic cysts at different stages of development. By successive cuts they were able to demonstrate the communication of the cyst itself with the joint cavity. The authors believe that the filtration of synovial fluid in the subchondral bone might stimulate the proliferation of conjuntival cells.
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