Osteotomias y fracturas del trocanter mayor en la artroplastia total de cadera

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Osteotomias y fracturas del trocanter mayor en la artroplastia total de cadera

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García Suárez, G.; Prieto Montaña, J. R.; Moreno Torre, J. J.; Fernández Gutiérrez, D.; García García, F. J.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1987

A revísíon of the osteotomies and fractures in the greater trochanter in the total hips arthoplasties is made. 39 osteotomies were carried out on 77 reoperations due to failed arthoplasty from 1975 until 1984 and, at the same time, 37 fractures of the greater tronchanter were found in 1677 total hips. The techniques of trochanteric reattachment are described by wiring those most frequently used and we come to the conclusion that these are bearable, as long the separation between fragments does not exceed 2 cm.
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