Estudio clínico y tratamiento del Genu-Valgum por epifisiodesis temporal con grapas de Blount

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Estudio clínico y tratamiento del Genu-Valgum por epifisiodesis temporal con grapas de Blount

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Díaz-Sarabia Azcarate, C.; Aspichueta, Patrcicia; Morillo Gotor, E.; Ayuso Sainz, J.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1986

Our work intends to evaluate, the results of the epiphysis staples in the Genu-valgus of the adolescent, by means of Blount staples. One hundred and twenty ( 120) epiphysiodesis have been performed out of a total of one thousand, seven hundred and forty (l.740) examined knees, the number of inmediate complications (rigidity and hemarthros) or late ones (staples expulsion) have being very limited. The clinic and radiographic criterious fallowed by us are also described here. The evaluation of the results «a posteriori» after a full growth, turns out to be a 90% of positive cases under our responsability. This surgical technique is consider would be the most important on to treat the idiopatic Genu-valgus of the adolescent. Therefore, we consider this surgical technique, as primary indication to treat the idiopatic Genu-valgus of the adolescent.
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